CEO's, C-level executives, opinion leaders and technology leaders are invited to participate in the OCI caravan connecting our events along the route and reviving the traditional innovating spirit of the original Silk Route to China as a much-needed cross-cultural business solution for a global, digitised economy. In particular, we are inviting senior executives, diplomats and principals of leading universities to join our business delegation and overland expedition to new regions.

Attending events and networking overseas has become a necessity in today's globalized world. As a continuous initiative, Silkroad 4.0 leverages the network and experience from the previous campaigns - both from each individual member of the Silkroad 4.0 core team, as well as from each new member, organisation or participating expert.

The caravan heads east from the western edge of Europe through Europe's tech-core, crossing central Asia into China's hi-tech business culture using the latest vehicle and personal technologies en route.
Silkroad 4.0 will provide a communication platform where our experts can find and organize themselves - let other experts participate in your personal network in the current countries, and invite them to meet your existing business contacts. The more, the merrier - it's where open innovation meets networking. And no need to worry - everything is on a completely voluntary basis. Do you get along really well with someone? - then invite them to join your meeting. If not, don't. Networking kept simple.

The Open Caravan Initiative™️ runs for 6 months from Europe to China, also in the other direction.
JOIN US for the drive, or meet us on the road!